Our approach is about meeting you where you are and empowering you to learn the tools to take ownership in your health. We offer something for everyone willing to take the first step into optimizing your health and creating lasting changes.
Our Services
At Calibration Health, we are committed to finding the best path to healing for our clients and understand that this is different for everyone. For most people, that will be our 6 month- supported plan. During this time, we will focus on your health with an in-depth history, a review of symptoms, and a layered support system with a focus on lifestyle modification. When necessary, we will use the best scientific evidence-based functional lab work available in our root-cause analysis approach.
Autoimmune Thyroid Blueprint
Elevate - Optimized Mitochondrial anti-aging Plan
Coming Soon! – For now just continue to move daily.
Nutrient Evaluation and supplementation review
All food is not created equally and because of this, we will provide you with a baseline knowledge of what you actually need based on what you normally consume. This is enlightening to many people to find out they aren’t getting enough of certain macro, micro, or phytonutrients. Since all supplements are also not created equally, you get discounted access to our online shop that has the highest purity and quality of supplements available.
Child Nutritional Plan for parents
A mini consult is for those that want to start in the right direction but maybe aren’t ready to commit the next 6 months to making some big behavior changes. It’s always focused on where the individual is and what areas of health need attention first.
Nutrigenomics Consult
How does nutrition effect how your genes play out in your overall health? By looking at your specific genes you can help up-regulate or down-regulate gene expression with nutrition.
Kitchen Pantry Cleanout and Store buying guide
Possibly just as important as eating nutrient dense, anti-inflammatory foods, is removing pro-inflammatory foods. With our pantry clean out, you’ll find out hidden ingredients to avoid, basics of cooking fats, how to remove refined flours and sugar and most importantly what to replace all of those ingredients with.
Gut Microbiome Evaluation
We believe the gut is at the center of your health and that’s why it’s a valuable place to start when aiming to get healthier. An unhealthy gut microbiome is linked to autoimmunity, Alzheimer’s, eczema, asthma, acne, hormone imbalance, diabetes, obesity, ADHD, autism, depression, anxiety, and more.
PharmacoGenomics Consult
Previously it was believed that “x” pill will have an effect in “x” percent of individuals. We now have the capability to look at one’s genetics and determine what likelihood of success or side effects may be experienced with different therapeutic drugs. This can be useful in determining what might be the most effective, and safest drug or dose for an individual.
*We do not prescribe or dispense medications.